Archive for March, 2013

The final stages…

March 25, 2013

We’ve made some more great progress this winter, with another two of the more remote venues visited, and good photos secured.  It was something of a bonus ball to also chance upon good climbing conditions and climb two fantastic new routes!  But then that is the very joy of so many of these places – there is still a lot of exploring to do.

So now we have only a handful of places left where we are still looking for good images, as follows:

  • Barrel Buttress
  • Sgurr Mhic Coinnich
  • Ben Loyal
  • Creag Dubh Dibidale
  • Carnmore
  • Foinaven
  • Mainreachan Buttress

We’ve kind of accepted that we’ll need to visit these places again (what a chore!) but if anyone has any pictures of these cliffs or the climbing upon them then please get in touch.  We can’t offer money but should be able to give you a free copy of the book if we use your photos.

It’s great to finally have light at the end of the tunnel, and reading through the complete text it’s clear this going to be a truly magnificent book.  Hopefully we can get the remaining pictures to do the places justice.

Cheers, Guy